Peace of Escape and Peace of Conquest Vis-à-vis the Just War Theory: A Study of John 14:27 – Dominic Obielosi
Remembering the Battle with Amalek (Exod 17) in the Exilic/Early Post-Exilic Period – Ogochukwu Daniel Onuorah
God as Warrior: A Hermeneutical Appreciation of Milḥāmāh in Exodus 15:3 and its Paradoxical Implication for Peace – Gerald Emem Umoren
Reading Israel’s War with Benjamin in Judges 20 in the Context of African Biblical Hermeneutics – Michael Ufok Udoekpo
“Peace on Earth” and “War in Heaven”: Luke 2:14 and Revelation 12:7 in Conflict? – Teresa Okure, SHCJ
Console, Console My People (Isa 40:1): YHWH’s Peace building Strategies in Deutero-Isaiah – George Odafe
The Peace that Leads to War: The Critique of Salvation Oracles in Jer 14:13-16 and Jer 27:8-10 – Gregory Ekene Ezeokeke, CMF
Jesus the Cause of Division: The Study of Luke 12:49-53 and Its Implication in a World marred by War – Cosmas Uzowulu, OFMCap
Isaiah 32:15-18: Establishing Justice as the Bedrock for Peace and Its Implications in Addressing Insecurity, Religious Crisis and Tribal Conflict in Nigeria – Rosemary Ifeyina Unigwe
Intercultural Methodological Reading of Jesus’ Re-enactment of the Mosaic Law in Exod 20:13 Referenced in Matt 5: 21-26 – Ukachukwu Chris Manus
War and Peace in Isaiah 11:1-10: An Evaluation of the Nigerian Context – Victor Onwukeme, MSP
Restraint and Peace, not War:Rethinking and Contextualizing the War against Syria in 1 Kings 22:1-38 – Michael Paul Pilani
The Rhetoric of Violence in James 4:1-6: A Study in the Context of Discipleship and Witnessing in the Church – Casmir Obi Chukwuemeka
Nehemiah’s Wall and Territorial Integrity: Fostering Peace and Keeping the Enemy Away – Joel Kambai Duwai